Per Favore e Grazie

A Guide to Surviving in Rome It is not easy to adapt to a new culture and set of customs. I am here to save the day, I know… I know… you can thank me later. It is important to know these things before you experience major culture shock. Greeting In Italy it is a…

La Dolce Vita -Trastevere

A Guide to Finding The Best Sweets in Trastevere My blog is called the sweet life and for good reason.  This blog will help you and your sweet tooth harmonize. Let me share some of my personal favorite dessert places in Trastevere. Tiramisu is a popular classic Italian dessert that is a-must when visiting Italy. …

Grocery Shopping in Trastevere Know before you go–

An Organic Experience Grocery shopping in Rome is certainly not like attending your local neighborhood Costco in the U.S. There are some distinct differences.  A supermercato means that the store carries food as well as dry goods. Alimentari is a store strictly for foods. There are many grocery stores in Trastevere and along Viale Di…

Dove dormire a Roma — Rest in Trastevere

Best Places to Stay in Trastevere Finding a place to reside, if you stay in Trastevere will not disappoint!  I live in Trastevere and adore this city with all it has to offer. Besides the charm of the cobblestone streets and quaint buildings typical of Rome, Trastevere is located on the West bank of the…

Hot ‘n Tasty

Best Pizza in Trastevere   Every want to indulge in ordering a full Roman pizza just for yourself? Well, in Italy, it is perfectly acceptable to go to a pizza place with the intention of having a pizza for just yourself. Trastevere is known for some of the most amazing pizza places.   Here are…

Fashion in Rome for the Traveler

Stylin’ And Lookin Fly So you are coming to Rome and need to know how to dress the part to fit in. You see, Italians are very fashionable. If you are a poorly dressed foreigner, it is not good. You will stick out like a sore thumb and a potential target for petty theft. Italian…

Pasta Perfetta

The Most Authentic Around Trastevere Living in Trastevere has many perks such as having some of the best restaurants in all of Italy. Ironically, there is no such thing as “Italian” food. In fact, there is no actual category called Italian food because each region has their own version of their specialty. Rome is centrally…

Caffe Americano

Coffee, Because Adulting is Hard! Coffee dates back to the 1500’s and is an important element to the Italian culture. Order coffee in Italy is definitely an art, you must know.  Here is a quick guide for those millenials that need a pick-me-up. The unspoken laws about coffee pertain to what coffee you can have…

Pizza a Taglio

Every Pizza is a Personal Pizza Pizza, aka “the poor man’s dish”  is one of my absolute favorite food groups.  Pizza  originated in Naples which is famous for the round, Neapolitan-style.  However, you can still find damn good pizza in Rome, especially in Trastevere. The first pizza was probably invented around 1600 BC so, this…

Best Aperitifs

It’s Wine O’Clock Somewhere I am going to start out this post by saying millennials enjoy “Aperitivo” and I will be happy to tell you why.   An aperitivo is actually a pre-dinner drink, but it translates to being “open” to the palate. It is a fun time that allows one to unwind and socialize with…